Working Farms

How do the animals live on the farm? How are herbs grown and cheese processed? Here you find the answers ...
  • Demonstration Farm Reierhof with animal Park and outdoor playground for children
  • Horse riding farms in Valdaora/Olang (Tolderhof -Tharer Hof)
  • Mugo pine oil (distillery) and herb garden Bergila 
  • Herbs Farm Hauser in Perca/Percha 
  • Demonstration Cheese Dairy Toblach: cheese production and shop 
  • Alpe Pragas, Fruit delights from South Tyrol
  • Alpine cheese dairy Unterhölzlhof in Valdaora/Olang
  • Traditional farmers‘ market in Brunico/Bruneck: fresh, nutritious, local (every Friday) 
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